September 2016 Update

Hi guys, its been an awful long time, sorry. Things have been changing i just find it hard to keep putting them up here all the time. or respond to most peoples messages and texts as i'm sure a lot of you have noticed. For some reason one of the effects that has come out of this is the irrational dread of messaging people and responding to messages and for that im sorry. i'm sure i'll get over it at some point. (edit: after a number of messages from people apologising for messaging me after reading this i think i should state that is meant to be an apology from me as to why it takes so long to get back to you. not a hint to stop messaging me! kk thankyou all who care :) As for an update, i had a scan a few months ago, cant quite remember when, probably april. although this time i had the scan in my home department where i work in wales which was really nice. obviously i had to go to london for the results and to talk to my neuro-oncologist. it did show growth unfortuna...