Date Set! Its coming out..

Back from Queens Square London, the meeting with the surgeons went well, they offered me a more aggressive surgery than the other centres, not sure whether that’s because they are more confident in themselves or what? Anyway they are going to dig a little deeper than the others and aim for a 90% resection. They have a theatre with an MRI scanner in it, and I’ll be in and out of the scanner throughout the surgery. Surgery is booked for the 16 th January and a functional MRI sometime in December to view the motor tracts. He said the most likely side effect will be left sided weakness/paralysis which is usually temporary. All further future scans will have to be at London too. After the appointment we went to an Italian restaurant for lunch and then on to the British museum before our train home. Rarely do I leave an appointment day feeling better about everything but I did this time. I’ve got Christmas to look forward to knowing I’ve got the best treatment I can get. Too m...