
Showing posts from March, 2014

Reducing Cancer Promoters

One of the largest problems facing people with cancer is the feeling of helplessness because your life is sort of out of your hands, but there are a few things you can do to perhaps have bit more control. Obviously this is touching the surface and only going to go so far, but to me it’s better than sitting back and letting fate happen. After much research in the past few months I compiled an action plan to follow. By research I mean loads of books and hundreds of studies based around lifestyle choices and a few about treatments. But for the most part treatment is out of my hands so I didn’t go to deep into that for long. Although there is up and coming stuff that looks great. Just not ready for general human consumption yet. I’ve had this action plan for about 6-7 weeks now but decided to post it as a blog post because this blog gets enough views through people searching google about brain tumours that It might help someone else as not everyone would have the time or inclination...

March Update

Hey everyone, a quick update before my visit to london for post-op scans and genetics results in a fortnights time. Things are going quite well, my IBS is seriously struggling with veganism though but I am enjoying the food. The myoclonic jerks/seizures are back, which is normally okay but today I had one in my legs whilst on the treadmill and nearly crashed off which scared me quite a lot. Also im sleeping loads, somedays I have several hours naps. I might be overdoing it a bit though.  I’ve been doing 20-30 minutes of resistance training most days and a couple hours on the treadmill per day. But its sort of therapy for me so I enjoy it.