3 month post op Update
General Update okay folks, need for an update as the last post i was about to go back in for more procedures for my hydrocephalus. that didn't happen. we didn't get a phone call calling us in. and eventually i just got better. Ive been better for about 3 weeks now. so no more hydrocephalus. still have some issues but nothing in comparison to what i had. i even went back to wales for a week to see friends and make sure my house was okay (it was). i had a good time but i got tired looking after myself. fell over a couple times and after a week i wanted to come home again. but it was a nice experiment and i feel better now i can do a decent job of self care and getting about. 2nd Opinion so as you know the MDT in London decided they'd like me to have radiotherapy soon for my tumour. i went for a 2nd opinion with my original team in Cornwall, they disagreed and said the side effects outweighed the benefits of having treatment on my tumour at this time. this was my gut feeling...