
Showing posts from 2018

high grade scan results

i imagine this one will be short. I have some pictures to show this time. so i had my 3 month scan last week and saw my oncologist in london again. the long and short is things are continuing to grow and the enhancement has grown so its now high grade, but that's just a label, the growth rate was always uncomfortably high. Report: ''unfortunately there has been marked enlargement of the substantial right frontal/cingulate glioma with an increase in mass effect, and more prominenet contrast enhancement. Posteriorly the abnormality extends into the base of the parietal lobe on the right hand side as well as into the corpus collosum, and anteriorly/inferiorly reaches the right sided septal nuclei.'' you might remember i talked about the corpus collosum (the connecting bridge between the two halves of your brain) at the beginning of this blog, the fact that its taken 5 years to finally invade it despite the growth rate in other areas is surprising to me. but apparently...

Trial Drugs, Growth, Epilepsy, conventional treatment, 2018 update 1

Hi guys, its been a long time coming, sorry, i've been apparently unmotivated to blog as of late, and because of that i have forgotten  a lot of things that probably should be blogged. multiple requests and i finally have a laptop to write it on. Care Oncology Clinic So i was interested in being part of a repurposed drug trial based in a clinic in London that my friend whose doing a lot better than me has been a part of for quite a while. After seeing my tumour on the post surgical scans i felt like it was time to jump into the private clinic and give it a go as i believed in the drugs after a lot of research (i'll make a seperate blog post about the details behind the drugs im on one day) anyway im taking mebendazole and metformin currently. i think i started this trial in december which was 5 months since the post op scan. My lovely friends and colleagues at work raised a load of money for me through bake sales and raffles without me knowing about it whilst i was off work,...